Best Speakers For Mac

I've just inherited some FREE Mcintosh components (they still need to be sent out for refurbishing): MR78 tuner, MC2105 Amp, and C28 Pre-Amp. Most of the stereo systems I've had up to this point have not been 'high-end' equipment, so I'm looking for some feedback on what speakers to pair up with this stuff. I've heard that Klipsch, KEF, or B&W would be good brand choices, but I'd like to stay under $1000.00. I'm a musician, not necessarily an audiophile. That being said, I'd like to have a system I can crank when I want, but still have as much clarity as possible (don't we all?). Any feedback/suggestions are appreciated. You don't give much to go on.

If you want ocassional blasts of volume, you will do best to keep the sensitivity of the speaker as high as possible. I would recommend a minimum of 90dB @ 1 watt and even higher if you can find anything you like.

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I will once again recommend the Omega speaker line as a starting point since they should mate well with the Mac and they have the sensitivity you'll require to get some fairly loud levels. The MC2105 uses autoformer outputs so you don't have to limit yourself to either an eight or four Ohm speaker; just know that the autoformers maintain a constant load on the amplifier and the power output (wattage) at eight Ohms is the same as at four Ohms.

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The Mac is not a high current amplifier and you'll still do best to keep the impedance as high as possible and the reactance of the speaker to a minimum - speakers with very low impedance dips and high electrical phase angles (which require high current delivery) will not fair well with this Mac amplifier. If you're reading about a speaker that is supposedly a 'difficult load' for an amplifier, I would pass on that model for this McIntosh. Overall, I would recommend against most B&W's for that very reason. If you like the sound of the B&W's, that's fine but there are better electrical matches with this amplifier. Know also that you can somewhat alter the sound of the system by using the various speaker taps on the amplifier.

A nominal eight Ohm speaker load will sound slightly different when connected to the 4, 8 or 16 Ohm tap. Try whatever speaker you buy on each output tap (always power the amplifier down completely before connecting or disconnecting any cable) and listen for what you think is the 'best' overall sound. Seriously mismatching the impedance load to the output tap will also change the frequency response, power output and distortion product of the amplifier, so use your best judgement when using speaker taps to tailor the system sound. Go over a few of the speaker reviews in Stereophile and find speakers that are easy/simple loads and concentrate on something that matches those ideals.

Keep in mind, every time you increase the sensitivity of the speakers by +3dB, you are in effect giving the amplifier twice as much power, so keep the sensitivity high. Going from a 90dB speaker to a 93dB speaker is roughly the same as doubling the output power of the amplifier. 82-88dB speakers can sound wonderful with this Mac amplifier but will not play loud for long periods without some degree of stress. High sensitivity speakers often have less than ruler flat frequency response; for example I suspect you'll find a pair of Klipsch to sound brighter and punchier than a pair of KEF's or Spendors. Only you can decide what sort of sound suits your ears but, if you haven't heard the Mac gear yet, pairing a slightly bright speaker with this vintage of McIntosh pre amplifier and power amplifier might not be a bad idea. OTOH, a speaker that is too revealing on the top end probably isn't what you want with early solid state - McIntosh or anyone else's. You needn't spend large sums on speaker cables.

You really can't since the Mac connectors won't accept large spade lugs or bananas. I would opt for something along the lines of low to midpriced AudioQuest or Kimber speaker cables. You can also do quite well with a YardMaster 16 A.W.G.

Best Speakers For Mac

Extension cord from WalMart with the connectors removed and the insulation stripped back. For a low cost speaker cable this and the Home Depot extension cables do a very respectable job for pennies. The interconnects should be of good quality but nothing fancy as the spacing on the Mac won't allow lots of audio jewelry. Your room will be a major influence on the final sound and it will play a large role in what speakers you might prefer no matter what amplifier you own.


A room with hard, reflective surfaces makes speaker selection more difficult than a well balanced room with fewer and better managed reflective qualities. Discuss your room with the sales staff where you audition speakers.

If they look at you like they have no clue as to how the room affects the sound, walk out. They should be asking you about your room before you have to bring it up. Shopping where you are allowed an in home audition before committing to a purchase is the best idea here. There have been some excellent speakers reviewed in Stereophile over the last two or three years; I would read a few reviews of prospective choices and then head out to listen. If you have a local McIntosh dealer, I would start there. The tuner is far better than average and can use the best antenna you can find.