Download Viber For Mac Os Sierra
Download Viber For Mac Free 32/64-bit for Mac OS X. It is the full offline installer standalone setup direct single click download of Viber For Mac offline installer. You can also get Viber For Desktop 5.1. Viber For Mac Overview. Viber is the social application. It is now available for Mac OSX also. The latest version of OS X, now called macOS, is available to download! MacOS Sierra brings a lot of new features to the Mac, the most notable being Siri integration. You can now use Siri on the.
Viber for mac is an app for making video calls, texting, and chatting. Know how to download & install Viber for mac on Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan & Sierra. In this era of applications where we have Apps for everything, not even single app but there are two to three replicas of the same app with just little tweakings with the original one. Viber for mac is the perfect example of this era which is the replica of Whats App and Skype. Apple customers have a tendency of using things which rest of the 90% world is not using; banking on the same fact now we have Viber for MAC also in a desperate quest to obtain some market share. Viber works on the same principle of Whats App of registering cell phone number. At last, we found out a unique and not so useful feature that other established applications don’t have, that is you can switch devices during an active call.
Rest of the features are. • Next, you need to enter your mobile number (in which Viber is installed) and Click on Continue button. Now you are ready to make calls through Viber. If you have reached this far then totally you are going to use this application. Then go ahead and enjoy!!!! How to resolve Viber not opening on mac issue The following steps have been taken from one of the comments below. They might not work for all.
So please be careful before trying the steps below: 1) Delete the 2) Delete the folder /Library/Application Support/ViberPC. I had same problem on my El Captan 10.11.6, but it’s resolved by following steps details are described at 1) Delete the 2) Delete the folder /Library/Application Support/ViberPC.

Hi Zina, Just on Mac’s conversations/chats data which is located in this folder /Users/LoggedInUserName/Library/Application Support/ViberPC/ So, if you have 2nd log-in ID and same phone # the conversation data is here /Users/2nd log-in ID/Library/Application Support/ViberPC/ I’m sorry that my explanation is a little bit wrong and confused you all (and me). /Libaray/Application Support/ViberPC; Libary, it shows/locates ~/Library as logged-in user owned. I don’t know the update/sync/merge method of Viver, but the conversation data are still in Viber of your phone, that is still alive in cloud of Viber D/B, I suppose/hope that you can see the last conversations after Viver re-installed as new. Hi Vince, I don’t know what combination are you using. As you know that the old version Viber(.app) for Mac OS X is no need an activation code. At this time I have no idea, but if you have wrong dir pass to the private library, please type the following commands in Terminal.; Note that as you know:; $ mark is as a terminal prompt.; # mark is as a comment started.
Now you can simply copy the file with the.QBB extension to a Windows machine. Quickbooks tutorial for mac desktop. To open the file, go to the File menu and select “”, then “Restore a backup copy”, choose “Local backup” and point QuickBooks for Windows to your specified.QBB file. Now that you have successfully moved your QuickBooks for Mac file to your Windows system, you now need to export your data from the Windows system to a format that will be compatible on the Mac platform.