How To Create A Table In Word For Mac

Table of figures is very similar to and you can list your illustrations, figures used in your word document on one page. Using table of figures, its really easy to find specific illustration, pictures or any other figure that you add to the list. Creating a table of figures in Microsoft Word 2013 is very simple. Let’s go through the step-by-step process with pictures.

Two See also: Create Table of Figures in Word 2013 Before you actually start off with the table of figures, add captions to all such figures which you want to be a part of the table. For right-click on each figure and select “Insert Caption option”.

Screen reader users make these same associations with tables in web pages and PDF files. Best app for budget mac. Unfortunately support for table headers is limited in Word. You can add properties to Word documents so that column headers (headers in the first row of the table) are identified by a screen reader and read and when exported to PDF. There are three steps involved in creating a table of contents from Microsoft Word: Create your document using heading styles to identify the headings that should appear in the table of contents. Insert a table of contents (skip to this section). Update your table of contents when the content of your document changes (skip to this section).

How To Create A Table In Word For Mac

And your table of figures will appear on the location you opted for. It’s that simple.

How To Create A Table In Word For Mac

Update Table of Figures If you made some changes in word document and of course this will change the figure location/page number and you have to update the figures table. To update click inside table of figures and press F9 key from keyboard or click on the Update Table then select appropriate option.

To make table page bit pretty, add a title to the page like Table of Figures and you can also customize the look n feel of table of figures by applying some style to it, to modify style click on the Modify button while inserting table in step-2. Below in comments section tell us if you have any problem in create this table of figures.