How To Have Multiple Links For Dropbox On Mac

Maplestory mac download. I recently upgraded my desktop’s hard drive to one of the amazing for the performance gains it brings but due to my limited budget, the size I bought wasn’t much bigger than the space I needed. A huge part of my storage needs are my Dropbox folder (I have a 185GB Dropbox due to all the referrals bonuses) but I don’t need all of the contents of my Dropbox to have SSD read speeds so that data is wasted on there. Now admittedly Dropbox does have – the option to exclude some of your Dropbox folders on a given machine – but this still didn’t really solve my problem.

May 21, 2013 - Creating a visible “symbolic” link to the alternate Dropbox in your home. Use Dropbox Encore. Optionally, if you prefer a more.

I started thinking about ways of being able to trick Dropbox in to thinking some folders on my secondary were actually sub folder of my Dropbox folder. As an IIS and Web Server geek, my first thought was Virtual Directories – a bit more research led me to the beefed up OS version: Junction Points. What Are Junction Points? Junction Points allow you to ‘mount’ a folder from one location to a point within another, creating a completely transparent link.

MacHow To Have Multiple Links For Dropbox On Mac

Windows already uses junction points for a number of internal redirects (for example you may have noticed that c:usersusernamedocuments can also be accessed via c:usersusernameMy Documents). To give a better example, my Dropbox has a folder called ‘Music’ in it – this is not a folder I need a great deal of performance on and can be relegated to my secondary standard (and slower) hard drive.

I exit Dropbox, link the empty folder C:usersbob.mckaydropboxmusic to the folder on my secondary drive D:DropBoxOverFlowmusic restart Dropbox, then I simply sit back and watch the magic as the files are indexed as though they are siting the main Dropbox folder. Gimme – How Do I Do It?

First off be warned – Junction Points are a low-level operating system function and can cause problems if used incorrectly – use at your own risk! The Steps 1) Stop Dropbox 2) Move the contents of the folder you wish to store elsewhere to the location you want it (leaving the parent folder in place, e.g. Leave the ‘Music’ folder in Dropbox but move all the folders within it). Note: I’m assuming here your are moving data that is in your Dropbox folder to a second location. You could just as easily be including a folder that is already in a different location within Dropbox for the first time. 3) Download the excellent free utility, you can download it.

4) Install and Run the Utility (you’l be asked if you want to scan for existing junction points – doesn’t matter either way but you have to wait for it to finish if you says yes) 5) Click the Create button 6) In the window that appears, in the left-hand pane select the folder in your Dropbox that you want to host/store elsewhere. 7) In the right-hand pane, select the folder on the alternative drive or location that you wish to store that Dropbox data in 8) Click Create and confirm the warning message 9) Start Dropbox At this stage, Dropbox may well have a bit of a tantrum depending on how many files you’ve relocated as it re-indexes them. When I did this recently for a large number of folders, Dropbox told me it was in the process of uploading some 32,000 files and it was going to take several weeks to complete – once the indexing processed finished however, this plummeted and shrank to zero within an hour or so, barely uploading any data. I installed Junction Link Magic and things went as expected and appeared to be working as I had hoped.