Lan Sync App For Mac

Hello, I want to sync files between my Mac and my iOS devices without touching the internet. In the Mac client there are optoins to disable relay servers, trackers and to use only the LAN. But if I use these settings, BTsync on my iPad no longer sees the Mac and vice cersa. The iOS App does not p.

Hello, First of all, I've searched a lot of solution that could synchronize iCal, Address Book and my Mail accounts between my Mac Pro and my MacBook Pro (newly bought). I have the two in the same place most of the time, so a solution like mobileMe is just really too expensive for what I need. I finally found several solutions (like with Google), but I don't want to have Google in between. It seems that synchronizing these items on a LAN network, without having the internet is almost impossible! That said, I tried to connect the two Macs on my network just to see how it works. I plugged into the twos with administrator accounts, so I could see almost all the folders of the other one. Then I opened iCal on my newly bought MacBook Pro (so completely empty).

But what a surprise when I saw all the entries of the other Mac!?!!!! The two iCals where synchronized!! But I just don't know how! And Mac didn't alert me at all (maybe I didn't want that)!

And I just don't know in which sense it goes (why my Mac Pro hasn't synchronized with the MacBook for example)? I tried to add an entry on the Mac Pro, but it hasn't synchronized with the MacBook. Another thing is that I finally entered my mail account by hand in my MacBook, after having failed in searching a good synchronization tool. I closed the mailbox and reopened it. And what a f ** surprise when I saw all the mail folders of my first Mac, and all the emails (around 5000)!! As well as the tasks, and the notes.

But this time, I didn't want that! I just wanted to be able to read my new emails on my MacBook. So is there anybody here that can explain what happened? And how I can synchronize the twos as I want, and when I want (with a button for example)?

Lan Sync App For Mac

IMHO, the reason why you're having trouble syncing two computers is because it is that difficult. Viewer I have never been able to find a really good sync app. Most often I get duplicates, which is painful to have to manually remove. The short answer for how to sync without internet is: no. The longer version is use a workaround like treat one of the machines as a 'master'. For example, make the Mac Pro as the master and whatever sync program you use, tell it to overwrite the MBP with the info from the Mac Pro.

This assumes you're always at the desktop and just want a 'copy' on the MBP. If you can deal with some changes, what I would recommend is you 'move' info to something like Gmail. Then have iCal, Addressbook and Mail on both computers sync to Gmail.

I do this and I have a client that does this as well. The client wanted to sync 5 calendars. (Husband's iPhone, wife's iPhone, husband's Macbook, husband's office Outlook, wife's home Outlook.) Gmail does this quite well and works better than anything we've tried. We could have also moved their addressbook, but the husband and wife wanted to keep their address books separate. But basically, this is the same as using MobileMe, with the exception that Gmail is free. Os x move close button to right 2017. (MobileMe has other advantages, but what do you expect for free.