Mail Wont Send From Outlook For Mac We Need You To Launch A Browser So You Can Sign In

Mail Wont Send From Outlook For Mac We Need You To Launch A Browser So You Can Sign In

This is a Lion problem. It just comes and goes. Getting sick of this crap. I've been preaching the virtues of Mac since last year and now I cannot send messages.

Look Under Tools-Account Settings -E-Mail Tab and make sure you have entered your E-mail account and password there - otherwise Outlook will need you to manually enter the password each time it is.


This is great for video work and sound work, but for basic business stuff like sending emails it fails. This all started with 10.7.3 update.

The mail issue starts whenever. No rhyme or reason. No one else on this forum has experienced this same problem? Google it and you see many threads (with no real solutions other than wait it out, it eventually comes back on its own).

This is a Lion problem. It just comes and goes.

Getting sick of this crap. I've been preaching the virtues of Mac since last year and now I cannot send messages. This is great for video work and sound work, but for basic business stuff like sending emails it fails. This all started with 10.7.3 update. The mail issue starts whenever. No rhyme or reason.

Mac classic emulator for os x. No one else on this forum has experienced this same problem? Google it and you see many threads (with no real solutions other than wait it out, it eventually comes back on its own). Click to expand.I am not questioning your experience, but why does everyone feel that it is always a Lion problem (but you said it worked fine before, so it is an update issue if any and not a Lion issue). Maybe something got slightly corrupted during your upgrade. If you already knew it was a Lion upgrade issue, then why not state this along with some other information that may help people troubleshoot this with you. I have several accounts and have no issues with any of the accounts (they vary from MSN Live, GMAIL, work exchange, and personal IMAP run from a Lions server).

None have any issues sending or receiving. We have no idea what your configuration is or how it is being used.

If you would like some help, then you need to state some setup information and any errors you are getting. Have you forced the connection during these down times.

What have you done to troubleshoot it (other than Googling, which is a good idea)? Without knowing what you have tried, we can't help you. Bear in mind that lots of the people that visit this forum are not the average user, so we tend to not get the same issues as the average user, as our systems are configured and maintained different than the average user. I am so frustrated with this issue. My Macs have worked flawlessly for the past year and out of nowhere it just started up.

Gmail - using gmail outgoing servers Internet service provided by AT&T - tried using the ATT smtp and nothing. Sent messages just spins, the outgoing box is full of unsent mail. I do have imap enabled on my Gmail account. This was all working with no issues and just stops working with no warning. Searched Google and really found no real answers other than, delete your mail account, add it back and the problem goes away, temporarily.

Same problem for me - went to bed last night all working, woke up this morning and not working! Repaired permissions, restarted - even tried crossing my fingers and walking under a ladder still no joy! It works fine from phone or iPad, so I can't imagine it being server outage or incorrect passwords as it keeps telling me. I'm running OS 10.7.3 download from app store. I've wasted a half a day so far on something that should just work.

Come on Apple, pull your fingers out and get this sorted. I am so frustrated with this issue. My Macs have worked flawlessly for the past year and out of nowhere it just started up. Gmail - using gmail outgoing servers Internet service provided by AT&T - tried using the ATT smtp and nothing' I'm coming into this thread a little late, but I'll try to help. This is a long post, please save it and/or print it out.