Outlook For Mac 2016 People Search Not Working Site:community.spiceworks.com

Sometimes 'Spotlight' may not behave as expected. We can re-index Outlook 2016 for Mac search database to fix this search issue. Please try the steps below to check if it works. Perform the following steps to do the same: 1. Restart Mac, so that it restarts the spotlight services. Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

For starters, the enviorment is windows 7 machines running O365 with outlook pointing at a local exchange server 2010. So this is a weird case I have no clue how to fix. The issue one of my users has is that when they search for 'John' in their contacts list they get 60 or so results with only 12 of them actually having 'John' somewhere in their name.

Outlook 2016 for mac search

A slightly less crucial issue is that they have to hit enter before it narrows down their results. Before, it would start narrowing down as they typed.

The second one isn't crucial but I feel it's somehow related to the first issue. The reason for my suspicions is that I checked my outlook and am also having this problem.

Mac outlook search not working

For example if I were to type 'Sam' and hit enter the very first result would be 'John Porter' along with a few other contacts that don't have 'Sam' anywhere in their name. Any help or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.

As MPCollins pointed out, I should try an index rebuilt. Well I'm sad to say that was one of the first things I tried before posting here. I can't find an upcoming scheduled transaction in quicken for mac. Edited Mar 27, 2017 at 18:46 UTC. John2995 wrote: Sounds like the new search system that's part of O365, where it's expanding the search to include all the contact fields, the text of emails, documents you've shared with others, and a bunch of other stuff. It's a bit weird to be honest -- trying to find someone named 'Mark' and you end up with the entire Mark-eting Department in your results.

And not sorted in any helpful way. One of those ideas that seemed good on paper but reality is a bit different.That's pretty much what we're seeing. I've added the 'full name' filter and shown the user how it works but he's still saying he's getting erroneous contacts. I think it's user error at this point.