Outlook For Mac Add Folder Is Grayed Out

Two things to understand first. Email folders listed on your Gmail web account are on the Gmail server. Email folders listed under 'On My Computer' are on your computer hard drive. If you want your folders to be in sync on Gmail server and on other devices like your cell phone and Mac computer, then yes folders need to be created in Gmail and it will sync back to Outlook on your Mac. But if you want to create folders more freely and directly on your computer hard drive under 'On My Computer', you can do so. What photo editing software should i buy.

Just know it won't be synced back onto the Gmail account for access by your other devices. When you are on your Macbook and want to clean up mail out of your Outlook Inbox, • drag and drop them into your folders under 'On My Computer', effectively creating a copy of them • check the folder to make sure it made it in there • go back to the Inbox and delete those emails Again, just remember • those that you move over to 'On My Computer' folders will not be visible by your other devices, just via your Macbook computer on Outlook. • those that you leave on the Gmail server folders are synced and visible to all devices. Did this clarify things for you?

Why is the calendar permissions button greyed out in Outlook 2016 for Mac? Tags calendar outlook permissions shared-mailbox This issue occurs if the Group similar folders, such as Inboxes, from different accounts check box is selected and the Hide On My Computer folders check box is cleared in General Preferences.

There are some rules that I want to remove but when I go to Tools-> Rules and Alerts (or File-> Manage Rules & Alerts in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013), these rules are grayed out and cannot be removed. How can I get rid of these “ghost rules”?

Mac add folder to favorites

Some rules are version specific or only compatible with a specific version of Outlook. Also, while rules might be upgraded when you also upgraded your version of Outlook, they can’t get downgraded anymore. So, when you are looking at your rules with an earlier version of Outlook than the version of Outlook the rules have been created in or upgraded by, Outlook will display them as grayed out as it cannot change them.

Removing grayed out rules The easy answer as to how to get rid of them is to use a later version of Outlook to delete or modify them, but this might not always be convenient or available to you. Another easy solution is to forcefully delete all rules by starting Outlook with the /cleanrules switch: • Windows XP Start-> Run: outlook.exe /cleanrules• Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 Start-> type: outlook.exe /cleanrules This last method might be inconvenient if you still have some proper rules left which you wish to keep. In those cases, there is a little workaround that you may want to try first before going drastic; • first. You may get an error that not all rules were able to be exported.

If you get an error that none of your rules could be exported this workaround won’t work for you.• Use the /cleanrules switch to forcefully delete all your rules.• Import your rules again. If you’re lucky, either all your rules are now editable or the grayed out rules are missing completely. If the grayed out rules are back as well, then you still need to resort to the /cleanrules method.

Last modified: January 8, 2014.