Why Am I Fighting My Mouse For Control Mac

64-bit outlook for mac. I’ve written a few times now about the lengths I’ve gone to tweak how I interact with my computers. I’ve with a bunch of little custom-built utilities for searching the web. I’ve spent way too many hours trying out that provide helpful functions that aren’t built in the OS. I’ve ranted on about how the iPad doesn’t quite work as my main computer because I always seem to want just one more app on my screen. This week’s episode of is another one of these “pro tip” kinds of videos, where I just lay out six of the menu bar utilities I’m using on my Mac. Increasingly, though, I am uncomfortable with the distinction we casually make between “pro” users and “regular” users.

I don’t think these sorts of utilities are useful just for computer nerds. (There’s another category we should leave behind us.) I think they’re useful for everybody. Put another way: we’re all “pro” users. I want to be clear that I believe computers should be made in a way that makes them simple and accessible enough for everybody. The trick is creating a learning curve that allows people to get better at using them.

At some point, everybody hits a moment when they think, “Ugh, why does my computer make doing this one thing so annoying?” Giving people the ability to solve that kind of problem is important. It’s empowering, just as much as the current push to teach people to learn to code. I tend to prefer using computer platforms that make it relatively easy to fix that one thing through little add-ons (Mac and Windows) that others do not (iOS and Chrome OS). That’s changing soon, I hope. IOS will soon have, which could empower iOS users to really personalize how their iPhones and iPads work. Google chrome for mac pro. Chrome OS is improving through a mix of Android apps and extensions. We’ve taken the desktop for granted I don’t have a fully formed manifesto here, just a sort of rumbling feeling that the dominance of the smartphone made us (and the companies that make them) take the desktop for granted.

Then, without clicking any mouse buttons, move the mouse from side-to-side and up and down, and see if the missing dialog does not appear on screen. If it does, position it where you want it, and click the left button. Answer: The way I get them back is by following this procedure.

The metaphor of the desktop is really powerful. I’m not only talking about the original Xerox PARC set of metaphors of windows and a mouse pointer.

I’m talking about setting up your own workspace — a thing that is maybe cluttered and messy, but you know exactly where your stuff is because you put it there. Once upon a time, believed that we could optimize the time of every human worker. We could precisely measure everything they did in the workplace, optimizing the placement of parts on an assembly line or the position of papers on a desk.

That kind of attitude stifles creativity. It stifles humanity. We’re more creative and less dehumanized when we can control our own spaces and think at our own paces. There’s something Taylor-esque about computers that you can’t customize. You wouldn’t want to work in an office where some Kafka-esque managerial system dictated the precise layout of your desk, yet your computer is equally as stringent. The difference, of course, is that it’s much harder to customize your desktop to your liking than it is to move stuff around on a physical desk. We have to learn how to use these digital tools.


More importantly, we need to ensure that computer continues to allow them to exist. We’ve learned a lot from mobile platforms about how to make computers intuitive and easy to use, and we’re going to gain a lot as mobile apps come to the desktop over the next few years. As that happens, we need to make sure that we don’t lose what made that desktop metaphor so powerful in the first place. It is a digital space we can make our own. As an aside, I have no patience for people who think that learning how to customize computers is too hard or is just a thing for pros and nerds.

Humans are very good at learning new abstractions if you give them the means to do it. I mean: just watch a teenager use Snapchat, an interface that almost actively works to prevent you from understanding it. Anyway, this is all probably a little too heady, and I’m over my conceptual skis. So I’ll just dial it back and tell you about the six utilities I talk about in the video above, all for the Mac. (We have also shot an episode for Windows users, so stay tuned.) •, $9.99.

It’s one of many window management tools. I don’t love window managers that simply let you tile your apps in grids on the screen. Flexiglass can do that, but I use it for a different reason. It lets you set a little key combo that works in conjunction with your mouse to move and resize windows. So instead of having to find the corner of a window to resize it or the title bar to move it, you can just hover your mouse anywhere in the window, hold down some keys, and move or resize it. Seriously, give it a try. Apple tried to make the Play / Pause and transport buttons on the Mac more useful by letting them control more things depending on context (e.g., stopping video in Safari).