Add Office 365 Shared Calendars To Calendar For Mac

Hello, Since few months shared calendars are gone from macOS Calendar apps (not Outlook on Mac, the native calendar app of macOS). Quickbooks mac desktop 2016 downl…. It's a well known bug who impact every macOS version who has been introduced this summer and was supposed to be solved soon. I've just got the phone support for Office 365 who told me that this issue wont be fixed and shared calendar support will just be removed for macOS.

Add Office 365 Shared Calendars To Calendar For Mac

If so it's a really big drawback in Office 365 who was just perfect for Mac users until this bug. (And no, using Outlook isn't a valid answer for this, Calendar app is more suitable for some user and the feature was supported in the past). Hi Yoann, Shared calendars are and will continue to be accessible from the native Mac OS X calendar app. However, we are not exposing all the via the EWS protocol, which is what that app uses. Users on the native Mac OS X calendar app will continue to be reading & writing directly to the shared calendar in the old-model of calendar sharing. It's possibly a bit confusing because the iOS calendar app (which is branded as the same app) uses EAS, which is a supported protocol for the new shared calendar improvements.

In other words, if you accept a new shared calendar, you will see it appear on your iOS calendar app without any additional actions, but it will not show up automatically in the Mac OS X calendar app (you still need to go and open that calendar explicitly from within the app). Does that make sense? What's really confusing is that the shared calendar directly seen on Calendar for macOS was working before and now it's just gone I understand there is feature difference between EAS and EWS, but what I don't understand, is that the feature was here on macOS and isn't supported anymore. What is still working on macOS is the delegated account, but it's not the same sharing method from OWA. Please, could you make a formal documentation explaining how to handle shared calendar via OWA for iOS and macOS native apps? We discovered that the Mac OS X app was requesting hidden folders when fetching list of calendars. The new shared calendars are stored as hidden folders and were supposed to be only visible in EAS & REST APIs, but we weren't explicitly excluding them from apps that requested hidden folders.

While they showed up in the EWS app, full functionality was never supported via EWS so it's possible that edits would fail, for example. I've submitted a request to our support writers to update the calendar sharing support article, but most of them are out of town on vacation for the holidays. I'm hoping our documentation is updated in early January to reflect this. Also, please feel free to private message me with more details on why your users want to use Mac OS X instead of Outlook for Mac - I'm curious what the deltas are. Hi Peter, The Mac OS X Calendar application uses a legacy API (the EWS API) which does not support shared calendars.

Apple will need to update their Calendar app to use REST APIs in order to view & manage shared calendars. However, you can use the Outlook Mac client to manage & view shared calendars.

We've just rolled out a major update that greatly improves the shared calendar experience. This update is currently available to all Office 365 users on Insider Fast builds, and we hope to have it available to all users by end of year. If you want to join Insiders Fast, you can follow the instructions.

Add Office 365 Shared Calendars To Calendar For Mac

Mac OS X comes with a built-in calendar application called iCal in Mac OS X Lion and earlier and Calendar in Mac OS X Mountain Lion. This page provides instructions on how to configure your built-in calendar application to access your Office 365 calendar.

Below are some of the highlights of this update: • Simple, consistent sharing: You can now share your calendar from any Outlook client (Windows, Mac, Web, iOS, Android), and there's a simple set of calendar sharing permissions that are consistent across all Outlook clients. The invites that are sent out are the same format, no matter which client you send from as they are now generated by the Office 365 service rather than the clients themselves. • Easy to accept: All Outlook clients also have an easy 'Accept' button when you receive a calendar sharing invitation. This is a brand new feature for Mac!