How To Create A Record Of A Bounced Check On Quickbooks For Mac

When a client or customer’s check bounces, you must adjust your Quickbooks account to reflect the lack of funds. Failure to do so may throw off your entire balance, forcing you to reconcile later in an attempt to find out why your Quickbooks balance doesn’t match your bank account balance. Thankfully, Quickbooks offers a simple solution to dealing with bounced checks and other forms of non-sufficient funds. The next time you discover a bounced check from a client or customer, log into your Quickbooks account and click on the Receive Payments icon on the home screen. Now, scroll through the list of payments you’ve received until you find the bounced check. If you know the customer’s name, you can streamline the process by clicking Customers > Customer Center > Customer & Jobs. If you don’t know or remember the customer’s name, keep clicking the previous button until you find the bounced check.

Upon clicking the bounced check, you’ll have the option to specify a fee charged to you for the transaction. It’s not uncommon for banks to charge wire fees or other types of fees, for which this function is primary used. In this case, however, we’re going to use this field to specify the amount charged by the bank for the bounced check.

Go ahead and enter the bounced check fee into this field and proceed to the next step. You aren’t out of the woods just yet.

QuickBooks includes a Bounced Check button on the record of each past transaction, so if a check does come back NSF, you can simply click that button. Learn how to record a bounced check transaction in QuickBooks by creating a journal entry and a bill payment check. IMPORTANT: Do not void the original Bill Payment Check because it may be in a previous accounting period.

Assuming you want to charge the customer for the bounced check fee (which you should), you’ll need to click the “yes” option next to the question “Charge customer for fee?” It’s important to note that you are free to specify any amount in this field. If the bank charged you $25 for the bounced check and you want to tack on an additional $25 as a “service fee,” you can enter a total of $50 to charge the customer. Click save and close when you are finished to complete the process. Sorry if you were expecting more, but that’s all it takes to record a bounced check in Quickbooks! Wordpress site not working on chrome. Did this tutorial work for you?

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There may be situations in which you need to record bounced checks and new customer payments. Recording these transactions using the Check screen requires a number of steps, each outlined below: Step 1: Enter the returned check with Write Check The first step is to enter the bounced check into the Check window: • Select the Plus icon (+) on the Toolbar. • Under Vendors, select Check.

• In the Payee field, select the name of the customer who issued the bounced check. • From the Bank Account drop-down list, select your bank. • In the Payment date field, enter the date the check bounced. • Clear the Print Later checkbox and enter a note, such as NSF check, in the Check number field. • Under Account details, select Accounts Receivable from the drop-down list in the Account column.

• Enter the amount of the bounced check in the Amount field. • Select Save and close. The bounced check is recorded. The next step is to change the payment entry to apply to the bounced check. Step 2: Change the payment entry The next step is to change the payment entry to apply to the bounced check entry: • From the left menu, select Sales or Invoicing. • On the Customers tab, select the name of the customer who issued the bounced check to open the Transaction List. • Locate and select the payment record you created for the bounced check.

• Select the checkbox of the bounced check (NSF check) entry. • Clear the checkbox of the invoice the payment was originally applied to.

• Select Save and close. The payment entry is changed to apply to the bounced check entry. The next step is to create Service items for bounced checks and fees to use in recording these charges. If you have already created these Service items, you can skip that step and create an invoice for the bounced check fee.


Step 3: Create Service items for bounced checks and fees Create two Service items for returned checks and associated fees to use when charging returned check fees to your customers: • Select the Gear icon on the Toolbar. • Under Lists, select P roducts and Services. • Select New. • In the Product/Service information panel, select Service. • In the Name field, enter Bounced Check. • From the Income account drop-down list, select the bank account the check was returned on. • Select Save and new to create the second item.

• Name the second item Bounced Check Fee. • From the Income account drop-down list, select or add an income account called Bounced Check Fees.