Install Django For Mac

In this short chapter we will learn how to install Python 3, create virtual environments, and install Django in a macOS. By default macOS comes with inbuilt python 2.7 version. Python 3 is the.

In this tutorial I will show you how to install django web framework on MacOSX with virtualenv wrapper. For those who don’t know what is django is, well django is web framework based on MVC architecture written in python. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Have very good documentation on installation process, if you want to install system wide then take a look at that. Anyway let’s start our installation with virtualenv wrapper what you should know, 1 just little terminal fu 2 thats all steps open your terminal ( from utilities or search in spotlight ) sudo easy_install virtualenv that will install virtualenv system wide, or even better sudo pip install virtualenv okay now, virtualenv is installed lets create our project folder mkdir my_project now change directory cd my_project Now lets initialize virtualenv, it will copy python executable and setup tools etc to your project folder virtualenv venv okay, Now lets activate virtualenv. Venv/bin/activate Now finally lets install djnago pip install django after installation python -c 'import django; print(django.get_version())' you will see installed django version.


Something like. Okay now django installed and ready to use, okay lets create a sample site startproject mysite now change directory to my site cd mysite python runserver open browser and point to, you will see default django welcome page. Hdminicam for pc.