Free Docker For Mac


This will be a set of questions and answers related to the Docker usage under OS X. Where are my Docker files? They are supposed to be inside /var/lib/Docker but there is no such directory.

That's right Docker for Mac store all the data inside Virtual Machine which is located inside /Users/username/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker The size of /Users/username/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data directory is enormous 16GB+. This is the normal behaviour because Docker for Mac doesn't implement TRIM to free unused space. You may find more details on. As for now the only working solution for me was resetting Docker (which means removing all images, containers and volumes). Persistence in Docker for Mac.

You probably shouldn't use recommended Volumes API because it will store all your data inside Docker VM instead of your local file system. It means that when you make Docker reset (e.g. Free folder size viewer. To free some space) you will loose your 'persisted' data. As for now I think that the best (safest) option is staying with Data Volume Containers. As they will be normally backed up by your Time Machine backups. Docker is running slow (extremely slow) on OS X. Add following line to the /etc/hosts file.

Enabling Kubernetes in Docker for Mac, will install a containerized distribution of Kubernetes and it’s cli (kubectl), which will allow you to interact with the On resource level, the new cluster will use whatever Docker for Mac has available for use. The release is in beta (at the time of writing the article). localunixsocket.local More details can be found in. Read by this author.