This Workbook Includes Content That Is Not Supported By Excel For Mac 2011

It appears to me to be a complicated situation and my research online and with Microsoft Tech Support has not given any clear answers. This is a LONG post, so please bear with me. I have 2 files that are Excel workbooks with an extension of.xlsm. Neither will open on my Mac.

This workbook contains content that isn't supported on this version of excel Hi everyone, I have a workbook that was created in excel for PC that I can only open 'read-only' on mac.

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For one, I get the following error message. File 1) Options Tracker This workbook includes content that is not supported by Excel for Mac 2011 'Windows-specific settings for automated Web publishing.' Do you want to open as a 'read only' file? If I choose to 'open as read only', it will open, but then does nothing.

File 2) Trading Journal Worksheet Excel could not open because some content is unreadable. Do you want to open and repair this workbook?

If I choose 'Open and Repair', this is what happens to the file. Repair Result to TJS Elite-v5.32p S-O 01305.xml Errors were detected in file 'iMac HD:Users:georgefouras:Dropbox:Options Calculators:Option Tracker:RCHStock MarketFunctions-2.1.2012.02.02:TJS Elite-v5.32p_S-O.xlsm' Removed Part: /xl/drawings/drawing6.xml part. (Drawing shape) Removed Part: /xl/drawings/drawing8.xml part. (Drawing shape) Removed Part: /xl/vbaProject.bin part.


(Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)) In either case the file is unusable. For file 2, Microsoft Tech Support indicated that ActiveX was the culprit, but the developer with which I am working to solve this problem states that ActiveX is not employed. He also notes that other Mac users are using the file without problems.

He also noted that there are Mac users who can use it natively without emulation software. Finally here are some other facts to keep in mind: 1) Both files work fine on a PC running Excel 2007 2) I have tried reinstalling Office 2011.

(The correct way with the help of Microsoft Support) 3) I have made sure that VBA is installed. 4) I have tried to open with the shift key down. 5) Yes, I am running the most uptodate version of Excel 14.3.2 I have tried running this using OSX 10.8.3 on a 2013 iMac and 2012 MacBook Pro / Retina Display.

I am hoping that others have some insight on this problem. ALSO: if anyone is able to open.xlsm files on a Mac WITHOUT emulation software, please chime in. Thank you for your question.

My name is Umair and i will do my best to solve this issue. The problem you have described is complicated and there could be a number of possibilities. If the file was created by an older versions of Microsoft office then there might be a compatibility issue with some of the features in that file which are not letting it open in in Office 2011. I suggest converting the xlsm file to xlsx file and try opening it again. Please follow these steps: 1-Open the 2007 version of Excel or later. Click “Open” in the “File” drop-down menu. Open the.XLSM file from the folder tree that opens up.

2-Click “Save As” in the “File” drop-down menu. Select “Excel Workbook” as the format. Check the portability notes of the format at the bottom of the Save panel to confirm the format has adequate backward portability for your needs.

Please let me know how it goes. I will be waiting for your reply.

Byron has over 15 years of Technical Support Experience with expertise on Windows, Apple devices, Android, Virus Removal, Cloud Computing, Email Configuration, Smartphones, Facebook, Instagram, Kindle, Twitter,Dropbox, Linkedin, Printer configurations and Networking. He has worked for some of the top computer manufacturers in the world and has served as a Subject Matter Expert for Level 1 and 2 technicians providing assistance in resolving advance technical issues.

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