Chrome For Mac Os X 10.7.4

Google has announced in an that its Chrome browser no longer supports a number of older Mac OS X versions. Google initially prepared users that a move away from these platforms would be coming by the end of this year. Today is that day, and Google Chrome will no longer get software feature or security updates on the following Mac platforms: • Mac OS X 10.6 – “Snow Leopard” • Mac OS X 10.7 – “Lion” • Mac OS X 10.8 – “Mountain Lion” On the Mac side, it’s essentially everything before Apple moved to its California-inspired version names (or anything with a cat name). The company also announced that it’ll be ending support for Windows versions XP and Vista, so it’s not just older Mac users who will no longer get updates. The reason behind the end in support is simple: Apple and don’t actively support those platforms any more, and so will no longer actively support them either. This doesn’t mean Chrome will no longer work, it just means it won’t get any more security or software updates on machines running these versions of the OSes. If you’re still running one of the aforementioned software versions, Google encourages you to upgrade to a more modern OS, since there are now security risks (however small) attached to using them. If you’re not sure which version of Mac OS X you’re running, you can find out by simply clicking the Apple logo in your top toolbar, and clicking ‘About this Mac’.

I had the same problem too. I have a Macbook Pro with OS X Lion. I too updated my mac with the 2012-006 update and it broke Java applets on Google Chrome. After a lot of researching, I got to know that Chrome is a 32-bit browser and does not support the 64-bit Java 7 from Oracle and there was no way to run applets on Google Chrome on a mac until we get a 64-bit release of Chrome for the mac. So, I went to the Mac App Store > Purchases tab and downloaded OS X Lion and installed it over my existing disk. Note that it seems like a big deal, but it went well for me and your data and settings do not get erased/reset.


The old 32-bit Apple JRE 6 gets installed and until Google Chrome 64-bit is released, you can keep using it without problems as long as you don't reinstall the 2012-006 update. It worked for me, so it should work for you too. I'm not sure if you have Lion or Mountain Lion, but I think the same trick should work for Mountain Lion too. Photo album feature in powerpoint.

Mac Chrome users as a percentage of total users or as a percentage of Mac users? My traffic breaks down as Macs making up 7.46% total visits and Chrome is used by 7.91% of those Mac users (the percentages are oddly close, but unrelated). Safari makes up the vast majority of Mac browser share, 76.30% for me. Update Google Chrome on Mac 10.7 Lion From the end user point of new, the update offers full-screen support on Mac OS X Lion which is a huge plus for power users. Also, Chrome is streamlined with Lion’s overlay scrollbars.