How To Generate A Apk File In Visual Studio For Mac

APKs from Visual Studio* 2015 Android* application projects generate CPU-specific APKs, whether they’re To see how to upload these multiple APKs to a single application on the Play Store you need to follow However, building for x86 or ARM generates an APK containing only x86 or files. I'll be running visual studio professional in a windows virtual machine using virtualbox. Product Version: Not Selected. Minecraft pe for mac laptops. Tags You will need to run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat script from Windows to generate a Visual Studio project. The Mac will only generate Xcode projects (and vice-versa).

Steps to Reproduce • rebuild project • archive for publishing • sign and distribute • install the apk Expected Behavior install normally Actual Behavior install failed, message: the apk file is broken. Internet explorer 11 chrome emulator for mac


Item Description Destination APK path In this text box, specify the path where the generated.apk file will be stored. Type the path manually, or click Browse to choose the path in the. Run ProGuard Select this checkbox to have IntelliJ IDEA through integration with the built-in tool. If this option is selected, the default paths to the configuration files that are created automatically are displayed.

For Android SDK tools revision 17 and higher, this option is selected by default. For already existing projects, this checkbox is cleared.