How To Go To End Of Page In Excel For Mac

Move the Cell Cursor in Excel 2016 Spreadsheets Excel 2016 offers a wide variety of keystrokes for moving the cell cursor to a new cell. When you use one of these keystrokes, the program automatically scrolls a new part of the worksheet into view, if this is required to move the cell pointer.

The following table summarizes these keystrokes, including how far each one moves the cell pointer from its starting position. Keystroke Where the Cell Cursor Moves Right arrow or Tab Cell to the immediate right. Left arrow or Shift+Tab Cell to the immediate left. Up arrow Cell up one row. Down arrow Cell down one row. Home Cell in Column A of the current row.

Ctrl+Home First cell (A1) of the worksheet. Ctrl+End or End, Home Cell in the worksheet at the intersection of the last column that has data in it and the last row that has data in it (that is, the last cell of the so-called active area of the worksheet). Page Up Cell one full screen up in the same column. Page Down Cell one full screen down in the same column.

How to go to end of page in excel for mac downloadHow To Go To End Of Page In Excel For Mac

Ctrl+Right arrow or End, Right arrow First occupied cell to the right in the same row that is either preceded or followed by a blank cell. If no cell is occupied, the pointer goes to the cell at the very end of the row. Ctrl+Left arrow or End, Left arrow First occupied cell to the left in the same row that is either preceded or followed by a blank cell. If no cell is occupied, the pointer goes to the cell at the very beginning of the row. Ctrl+Up arrow or End, Up arrow First occupied cell above in the same column that is either preceded or followed by a blank cell.

If no cell is occupied, the pointer goes to the cell at the very top of the column. Ctrl+Down arrow or End, Down arrow First occupied cell below in the same column that is either preceded or followed by a blank cell. If no cell is occupied, the pointer goes to the cell at the very bottom of the column. Ctrl+Page Down The cell pointer’s location in the next worksheet of that workbook. Ctrl+Page Up The cell pointer’s location in the previous worksheet of that workbook. When moving the cell cursor by using the keystrokes listed in the table, keep the following helpful hints in mind: • In the case of those keystrokes that use arrow keys, you must either use the arrows on the cursor keypad or else have the Num Lock disengaged on the numeric keypad of your physical keyboard. • The keystrokes that combine the Ctrl or End key with an arrow key are among the most helpful for moving quickly from one edge to the other in large tables of cell entries or for moving from table to table in a section of a worksheet with many blocks of cells.

Apr 8, 2018 - This list covers 224 shortcut keys you can use for Windows and Mac. It's organized by 13. Move to the first cell in a work sheet. Ctrl+Home, control+. Expand the selected range to the end of the worksheet.

Despite its simple appearance, Castle Wolfenstein features many of the same stealth aspects that still appear in games today. The player looks down on the rooms of the castle from above, though the characters appear as if seen from the side. Stealth games pc. Castle Wolfenstein was released in 1981 for the Apple II, and while it’s difficult to compare a game as old as this with more modern examples of the genre, it deserves inclusion for effectively inventing the genre. The player character must sneak past guards or use limited ammo to kill them.

• When you use Ctrl and an arrow key on a physical keyboard to move from edge to edge in a table or between tables in a worksheet, you hold down Ctrl while you press one of the four arrow keys. When you do this with the Touch keyboard on a touchscreen device, you tap the Ctrl key and then the arrow key sequentially. • When you use End and an arrow-key alternative, you must press and then release the End key before you press the arrow key. Pressing and releasing the End key causes the End Mode indicator to appear on the Status bar. This is your sign that Excel is ready for you to press one of the four arrow keys. Excel 2016 Data-Entry Etiquette To begin to work on a new Excel 2016 spreadsheet, you simply start entering information in the first sheet of the Book1 workbook window.

Here are a few simple guidelines (a kind of data-entry etiquette) to keep in mind when you create an Excel spreadsheet in Sheet1 of a new workbook: • Whenever you can, organize your information in tables of data that use adjacent (neighboring) columns and rows. Start the tables in the upper-left corner of the worksheet and work your way down the sheet, rather than across the sheet, whenever possible. When it’s practical, separate each table by no more than a single column or row. • When you set up these tables, don’t skip columns and rows just to “space out” the information. (To place white space between information in adjacent columns and rows, you can widen columns, heighten rows, and change the alignment.) • Reserve a single column at the left edge of the table for the table’s row headings. • Reserve a single row at the top of the table for the table’s column headings.